Strategy 2023 powered by AI.
A game-changing marketing course.

Save tonnes of time by using AI for your sales and marketing strategy. Learn the trends, tools and pro-tips which are crucial for modern-world marketing.

What you will learn during this course

AI Marketing Trends

What is a strategy?

How to find your North Star?

What is a Business Model Canvas and how to use it in your business?

What is a "value proposition" and why you need it to grow your business?

What is a growth-marketing tactic?

What is a sales funnel and why do you need it?

How to create your own sales funnel?

How to create content that works for each channel?

How to create graphics and images with intelligent tools?

Module 1


In this part you will learn:

  • How to monetize on AI trends in marketing.
  • How to plan your business strategy.
  • How to find your value proposition.
Module 2

Strategy & Tactics

In this part you will learn:

  • How to use growth-marketing tactics.
  • How to use sales funnels to increase your impact.
  • How to create your own sales funnel.
Module 3

Content Execution

In this part you will learn:

  • How to create content strategy and why it’s crucial for you.
  • How to create content for each channel. With LinkedIn pro tips.
  • How to create content, graphics and images for your marketing campaigns in a few clicks.

How it works

Start creating copy

Why is this course a crucial part of your marketing education?

This is the first marketing course where you'll learn how AI can boost your 2023 strategy.  

Create your roadmap to success

to reach new clients and grow your business 100 x quicker.

Learn how to prepare a well-thought-out plan

for how you will reach your target audience and build lasting relationships with your clients.

Anticipate industry trends and capitalize on opportunities before your competitors

Stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive with the help of AI.

What the users say

Want to know more?

Check the questions we get to answer most often.
Is the course free of charge?

Yes, the course is free of charge for everyone who signs up for a free trial of our platform.

Can I take this course if I am not an expert in marketing?

Yes, you can. The aim of this course is to introduce you to the topic of AI and the basics of how AI can streamline your marketing activities. We want to allow you to run your marketing campaigns in the easiest way possible.

How long does the course take?

The course takes about 1 hr.

May I watch the course any time I wish?

Yes. Once you sign up you will receive the link to your course - available to watch 24/7.

For how long will I be able to access the course?

There are no limits. It's a life-time access.