Features & Benefits

All your marketing needs in one place

SALES & marketing funnels

Custom made marketing strategy that make your product stand out

Before you start paying through the nose for your new marketing executive - get clear on your marketing strategy on your own. Manage your sales and marketing funnels. Select the tasks that need to be done. It’s like Asana or Clickup. But with fewer unicorns.

Get everything in one place with our new Dashboard

You can easily find your way around our platform by navigating from our Home Page. Manage your funnel, see how many AI credits you have left and use them quickly by clicking on the AI content and marketing asset generator tiles.
Marketing Tactics Library

Seek and choose your new tactic from our library

New to the whole marketing experience? Expand your knowledge with our marketing tactics library. Learn how to achieve your marketing goals with 1000+ battle-proven tactics
tactical flow

Define your customer journey with tactical flow

Feeling overwhelmed? Take one step at a time with our secret weapon: the Tactic Flow. Plan and define the flow between tactics and funnel stages by clicking on the tactics you want to execute in the first place.
TEAM CollaboratioN

Tool for you and your team

Need a helping hand from your team? Invite your team members to cooperate with you on the tool. Together decide on the best tactics and flows that fit your goals and resources.
AI generated content

AI Marketing Copy

Too little time to create your content? Use automatically generated content for any part of your funnel, available in 25 different languages. Create content for every digital format and framework such as AIDA, lead magnet topics, e-book ideas, personal branding, or social media posts.

No more outsourcing

Stop outsourcing for once. Create graphics in formats ready for all SM channels. It takes less than 15 clicks. We promise.

AI image creator

Based on a single sentence, generate images that you will use in communication on social media and other channels
Business model canvas

How to start?

Wondering where to begin? Use our canvases as guidelines. Map out your business model. Prioritize your marketing goals. 150+ parameters allow you to define your business and find the best matching tactics.

Get the right growth hacking expert in your niche

Marketing team too busy or too small? Share your funnel into a marketplace for digital marketing experts. Compare their offers and expertise. Find a growth hacker that specializes in your niche and commission the job to an expert.

Export your funnels to PDF in no time

Tired of Excel? Export your funnels to a PDF. Win new customers with comprehensive marketing strategies worth over $15K each. Personalize the AI recommendations with your own tactics to seal every deal.

Archive your campaigns

Not ready to execute now? Archive your campaign. You may resume your work whenever you are ready.
BE A Growth Hacker

Connecting businesses and experts worldwide

Build your personal brand with your Growth Hacker PRO profile in Digital First AI. Give an estimate for your services and get recognized by Business owners looking for experts like you.
CREATE Custom tactics

A personalized digital marketing program

Put your experience to good use and personalize your marketing strategy. Create your own tactics on the basis of what has worked for you - Choose our PRO version.
join community

Grow your digital marketing career

Build your authority. Join our community of professional marketers.
join affiliate program

Earn by recommending our tool to others

Spread the word about our platform to your followers and business contacts and earn commission based profit. Join our affiliate marketing program to earn up to $5k monthly. 
BUild with us

Join us and be part of technology history.

Join us in creating history. Help us improve our product and jump on the beta tester's wagon to develop the roadmap with us.
More features

Coming Soon...

Some of the highlights from our roadmap from this year include.
Website AI Builder
Create websites and landing pages without programming skills.
Automated Marketing Process
In a Zapier-like flow, you will be able to fully automate processes for the whole campaign's flow, from ideas to execution & optimization.
AI Lead Magnets Creation
Creating simple materials such as ebooks, pdfs that can be used in campaigns to gain more contacts.
Predefined Funnels Library
Ready-to-use marketing strategies that have worked well for our clients.

Digital First AI is for everyone

Looking for experts?

Are you new and looking for help? Compare their offers and expertise. Find a growth hacker that specializes in your niche and commission the job to an expert.

Join our Discord community and learn more from other users.

Become a Growth Hacker

Build your personal brand with your Growth Hacker PRO profile in Digital First AI. Give an estimate for your services and get recognized by business owners looking for experts like you.

Join our Discord community of professional marketers and share your knowledge with others.

Build the future of AI
with us!

Write to us

Marketing tactics tailored to your needs

With our tool you can choose whether you want to use ready-made tactics, create your own or hire an expert. Connect your tactics to create a tactical flow and bring your digital transformation to life!

Tactics Library

New to the whole marketing experience? Expand your knowledge with our marketing tactics library. Learn how to achieve your marketing goals with 1000+ battle-proven tactics.

Custom Tactics

Put your experience to good use and personalize your marketing strategy. Create your own tactics on the basis of what has worked for you - Choose our PRO version.
affiliate program

Earn additional income