Black Friday Sales Funnel

The busiest shopping day of the year is around the corner!
Use those 5 tactics which are Black Friday game-changer or choose one of them, implement it and chase off your competition 🚀

Put together a successful Black Friday campaign!

Black Fiday Early Bird List - Steps

1. Select Offer ➡ Decide what promotion to offer on Black Friday. Remember that if it is not attractive enough, you will discourage the users from your list. Remember that you have an advantage over your competitors in time, so you can observe their movements and set the promotion and discount level on this basis.

2. Prepare early bird communication ➡ Write a copy announcing that only users from the list will receive information about an exceptional promotion in your store. Don't forget to warm up the atmosphere! Make a "God father offer" to users that won't let them pass by without reacting.

3. Create a landing page ➡ Create a simple landing page where users can subscribe to your early bird list. Make sure the page does not contain distractions - the saving path must be as simple as possible.

4. Choose advertising channels ➡ First of all, you need to get as many subscriptions to the list as possible, so choose those channels that have historically worked best in acquiring leads. Statistically the best tools are: Facebook Lead Generation Ads and Google Ads, also Smart Display. A well-targeted mailing campaign will also work.

5. Create advertising materials ➡ Create advertising materials necessary for selected channels. Remember to use only attractive clickbait communication. Don't let users miss your God-father-like offer!

6. Create campaigns ➡ Remember to optimize the cost of acquiring a lead! You will have to add the cost of building this database when calculating the ROI of the Black Friday campaign.

7. Prepare a Marketing Automation campaign ➡ In your Marketing Automation tool, prepare a list of users who signed up for the early bird landing page. Create an e-mail in which you announce a great promotion. Schedule its shipping on Black Friday. Attention! You can send the same message to your entire current contact list - it won't cost you anything, although you communicate at the most expensive time of the year. Clever, right?

5 rules of effective Black Friday promotion - Steps

1. Don't discount whole shop ➡ Think carefully about this year's strategy. Find something that will set you apart from the rest - discounting the entire store won't do it! Analyzes show that a discount for a specific category generates higher engagement and longer time spent on the website.

2. Discount bundles ➡ Let go of coupons and codes this year - it's extremely inconvenient. Simplify the rules of the promotion, which should self-accrue in the cart if the user meets the rules needed for the discount. If you use Shopify, creating this type of promotion will be extremely easy (

3. Plan in context ➡ Let your promotion relate to other events - November is full of other promotional opportunities, Thanksgiving, Cyber ​​Monday, Singles' day - you name it! Focus on the selection of promotional products that will allow you to match your current needs - decorations for your table for a family dinner or maybe gifts for Christmas? Don't forget to remind your users in promotional materials how they can use discounted products.

4. Leave it to influencers ➡ If you feel your creativity is running out, don't hesitate to ask influencers (and micro influensers) for help. Observe which of their original tactics are working and be inspired by them in your own activities. Do not be afraid of paid cooperation with influencers - you can easily measure their effectiveness, and if you add the influence of their creativity, such cooperation will turn out to be irreplaceable. Just choose your influencers to collaborate wisely!

5. Start earlier ➡ Don't wait until the last minute with the promotion. Your competitors will likely start promoting sooner anyway, don't let them grab all the attention for themselves. Reasons why you should promote yourself sooner:
- The earlier before Black Friday, the cheaper the traffic.
- If you start earlier, you have time to enter the top of mind thanks to remarketing.
- If it turns out that you have adopted the wrong tactic, you will always have time to change it.

Black Friday Ask campaign - Steps

1. Determine what you want to ask ➡ Think about your biggest doubts about the offer on Black Friday. Are you wondering about the amount of the discount or maybe the offer formula - whether to apply "buy two get third free" or "buy two in the price of one"?

2. Provide sample selections ➡ When you decide what you want to ask about, prepare three examples of promotions that you can prepare for Black Friday. Make sure they are all profitable for you!

3. Select the group you want to research ➡ Determine which group you want to ask about the attractiveness of your offer. These can be all your current customers to whom you are sending your newsletter, but you can also choose to ask only those who spend the most or those who buy the most.

4. Select the format and channel ➡ If you decide to ask a question to your existing customers, think about which channel you most often receive feedback from them - Facebook group, private message, or maybe direct mailing? Also, choose the form of asking the question itself - it can be a poll on Facebook or in Stories, but also a form on a dedicated subpage. Make suggestions on the historical activity of your preferred recipients!

5. Prepare materials ➡ Depending on the selected channels, prepare or commission the preparation of materials necessary to ask a question to a selected group.

6. Analyze the conclusions ➡ Analyze the collected data and decide what they mean for the final selected promotion. Remember that you have already aroused hope in your users, especially if you showed the voting results live. Users helped you choose the best offer, but now they have their expectations!

7. Be creative ➡ Remember that you do not have to decide on the most popular answer - you can always propose all 3 variants of the promotion to the users who voted for them. Be creative!

8. Prepare early bird communication ➡ Write a copy announcing that only users from the list will receive information about an exceptional promotion in your store. Don't forget to warm up the atmosphere! Make a "God father offer" to users that won't let them pass by without reacting.

9. Create a landing page ➡ Create a simple landing page where users can subscribe to your early bird list. Make sure the page does not contain distractions - the saving path must be as simple as possible.

10. Choose advertising channels ➡ First of all, you need to get as many subscriptions to the list as possible, so choose those channels that have historically worked best in acquiring leads. Statistically the best tools are: Facebook Lead Generation Ads and Google Ads, also Smart Display. A well-targeted mailing campaign will also work.

11. Create advertising materials ➡ Create advertising materials necessary for selected channels. Remember to use only attractive clickbait communication. Don't let users miss your God-father-like offer!

12. Create campaigns ➡ Remember to optimize the cost of acquiring a lead! You will have to add the cost of building this database when calculating the ROI of the Black Friday campaign.

13. Determine what you want to ask ➡ Think about your biggest doubts about the offer on Black Friday. Are you wondering about the amount of the discount or maybe the offer formula - whether to apply "buy two get third free" or "buy two in the price of one"?

14. Provide sample selections ➡ When you decide what you want to ask about, prepare three examples of promotions that you can prepare for Black Friday. Make sure they are all profitable for you!

15. Select the group you want to research ➡ Determine which group you want to ask about the attractiveness of your offer. These can be all your current customers to whom you are sending your newsletter, but you can also choose to ask only those who spend the most or those who buy the most.

16. Select the format and channel ➡ If you decide to ask a question to your existing customers, think about which channel you most often receive feedback from them - Facebook group, private message, or maybe direct mailing? Also, choose the form of asking the question itself - it can be a poll on Facebook or in Stories, but also a form on a dedicated subpage. Make suggestions on the historical activity of your preferred recipients!

17. Prepare materials ➡ Depending on the selected channels, prepare or commission the preparation of materials necessary to ask a question to a selected group.

18. Analyze the conclusions ➡ Analyze the collected data and decide what they mean for the final selected promotion. Remember that you have already aroused hope in your users, especially if you showed the voting results live. Users helped you choose the best offer, but now they have their expectations!19. Be creative ➡ Remember that you do not have to decide on the most popular answer - you can always propose all 3 variants of the promotion to the users who voted for them. Be creative!

Black Friday user segmentation - Steps

1. Select Offer ➡ Decide what promotion to offer on Black Friday. Remember that if it is not attractive enough, you will discourage the users from your list. Remember that you have an advantage over your competitors in time, so you can observe their movements and set the promotion and discount level on this basis.

2. Prepare early bird communication ➡ Write a copy announcing that only users from the list will receive information about an exceptional promotion in your store. Don't forget to warm up the atmosphere! Make a "God father offer" to users that won't let them pass by without reacting.

3. Create a landing page ➡ Create a simple landing page where users can subscribe to your early bird list. Make sure the page does not contain distractions - the saving path must be as simple as possible.

4. Choose advertising channels ➡ First of all, you need to get as many subscriptions to the list as possible, so choose those channels that have historically worked best in acquiring leads. Statistically the best tools are: Facebook Lead Generation Ads and Google Ads, also Smart Display. A well-targeted mailing campaign will also work.

5. Create advertising materials ➡ Create advertising materials necessary for selected channels. Remember to use only attractive clickbait communication. Don't let users miss your God-father-like offer!

6. Create campaigns ➡ Remember to optimize the cost of acquiring a lead! You will have to add the cost of building this database when calculating the ROI of the Black Friday campaign.

7. Analyze last year's Black Friday ➡ If you have this advantage and have data from last year's BF, analyze which channels brought you the most sales. Remember to pay attention not only to last click channels, but also to those that initiate sales! In BF, conversion is often attributed to remarketing, but if it were not for prospecting, there would be no one to retarget!

8. Check the effectiveness of year-round sales ➡ If you can't relate to the precise results from BF, look at how your sales are spread over other promotions and the whole year. Plan an adequate budget for effective channels.

9. Ask users ➡ If you are an exceptionally young company and you do not have any conclusions about the effectiveness of channels during Black Friday, use the opinions of your users. Ask, e.g. in an e-mail or a pop-up on the website, about your favorite sources of learning about promotions. Users will tell you how they want to be informed and at least irritate them!

10. Decide on segments ➡ When you analyze the data already available, decide how you will segment your audience and which channels you will use. Match individual channels to selected groups of recipients. Remember not to oversegment - a small amount of data for each group will not allow you to extract data for the next year. Make sure each segment has a minimum of 10,000 audiences.

11. Prepare campaigns ➡ Create or commission paid campaigns in accordance with the assumptions you have made.

Black Friday Calendar tactic - Steps

1. Set the frequency ➡ Think about how many promotions you are able to offer. Find the golden mean between lowering your margin too much and a promotion that is small enough to be unattractive for the recipient. If you are not ready for a few promotions, do not use this tactic!

2. Prepare a detailed calendar ➡ Plan specific discounts for specific days. Prepare a written calendar, e.g. in Miro, and share it with the whole team so that everyone is up to date. Consider whether your calendar will include other November opportunities: Singles' Day, Thanksgiving or Cyber Monday.

3. Select channels ➡ Analyze sales effectiveness and decide which channels you will inform users about the promotion. Remember that you can invest in a paid promotion on the first day and collect leads from interested users - then each subsequent message will be sent for free to the collected base.

4. Prepare materials ➡ Prepare materials for selected channels. You don't have to prepare content about all promotions right away - draw conclusions on a regular basis and improve each new material for the next discounts.

5. Set up automation ➡ If you decide to communicate with your own database of existing contacts, use your Marketing Automation tool to reduce expenses on paid campaigns.

6. Use discount portals ➡ Contact portals that offer a collection of discounts, such as Pepper, they will surely improve the effectiveness of your promotion, and buying a placement for a few days may result in additional promotional space, e.g. a mention in their newsletter.

7. Prepare early bird communication ➡ Write a copy announcing that only users from the list will receive information about an exceptional promotion in your store. Don't forget to warm up the atmosphere! Make a "God father offer" to users that won't let them pass by without reacting.

8. Create a landing page ➡ Create a simple landing page where users can subscribe to your early bird list. Make sure the page does not contain distractions - the saving path must be as simple as possible.

9. Choose advertising channels ➡ First of all, you need to get as many subscriptions to the list as possible, so choose those channels that have historically worked best in acquiring leads. Statistically the best tools are: Facebook Lead Generation Ads and Google Ads, also Smart Display. A well-targeted mailing campaign will also work.

10. Create advertising materials ➡ Create advertising materials necessary for selected channels. Remember to use only attractive clickbait communication. Don't let users miss your God-father-like offer!

11. Create campaigns ➡ Remember to optimize the cost of acquiring a lead! You will have to add the cost of building this database when calculating the ROI of the Black Friday campaign.

12. Set the frequency ➡ Think about how many promotions you are able to offer. Find the golden mean between lowering your margin too much and a promotion that is small enough to be unattractive for the recipient. If you are not ready for a few promotions, do not use this tactic!

13. Prepare a detailed calendar ➡ Plan specific discounts for specific days. Prepare a written calendar, e.g. in Miro, and share it with the whole team so that everyone is up to date. Consider whether your calendar will include other November opportunities: Singles' Day, Thanksgiving or Cyber Monday.

14. Select channels ➡ Analyze sales effectiveness and decide which channels you will inform users about the promotion. Remember that you can invest in a paid promotion on the first day and collect leads from interested users - then each subsequent message will be sent for free to the collected base.

15. Prepare materials ➡ Prepare materials for selected channels. You don't have to prepare content about all promotions right away - draw conclusions on a regular basis and improve each new material for the next discounts.

16. Set up automation ➡ If you decide to communicate with your own database of existing contacts, use your Marketing Automation tool to reduce expenses on paid campaigns.

17. Set the frequency ➡ Think about how many promotions you are able to offer. Find the golden mean between lowering your margin too much and a promotion that is small enough to be unattractive for the recipient. If you are not ready for a few promotions, do not use this tactic!

18. Prepare a detailed calendar ➡ Plan specific discounts for specific days. Prepare a written calendar, e.g. in Miro, and share it with the whole team so that everyone is up to date. Consider whether your calendar will include other November opportunities: Singles' Day, Thanksgiving or Cyber Monday.

19. Select channels ➡ Analyze sales effectiveness and decide which channels you will inform users about the promotion. Remember that you can invest in a paid promotion on the first day and collect leads from interested users - then each subsequent message will be sent for free to the collected base.

20. Prepare materials ➡ Prepare materials for selected channels. You don't have to prepare content about all promotions right away - draw conclusions on a regular basis and improve each new material for the next discounts.

21. Set up automation ➡ If you decide to communicate with your own database of existing contacts, use your Marketing Automation tool to reduce expenses on paid campaigns.

22. Set the frequency ➡ Think about how many promotions you are able to offer. Find the golden mean between lowering your margin too much and a promotion that is small enough to be unattractive for the recipient. If you are not ready for a few promotions, do not use this tactic!

23. Prepare a detailed calendar ➡ Plan specific discounts for specific days. Prepare a written calendar, e.g. in Miro, and share it with the whole team so that everyone is up to date. Consider whether your calendar

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